Pointer is missing a nullability type specifier
You can use the following macros around blocks of declarations (functions and variables) in objective c headers:
You need to then add nullable annotations for references that can be nil within that block. This applies to both function parameters and variable declarations.
As in:
@interface SMLBaseUserDetailsVC : UIViewController < UICollectionViewDelegate>
@property (nonatomic, readonly) IBOutlet UIScrollView *detailsScrollView;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) IBOutlet UICollectionView *photoCV;
@property (nonatomic, weak, readonly) SMLUser *user;
- (IBAction)flagUser:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)closeAction:(nullable id)sender;
- (void) prefetchPhotos;
Edit* The why??? is because for an objective-c class to be interoperable with swift, you need to declare nullability so that the compiler knows to treat properties as swift optionals or not. Nullable objective c properties are known as optionals in swift and using these macros in conjunction with the nullable declarators for properties allows the compiler to treat them as optionals (Optionals are monads - an object that wraps up either the object or nil).
You need to specify nullable
also for the handlers/blocks
- (void)setObject:(nullable id)value
forKey:(nonnull NSString *)defaultName
objectChanged:(nullable void(^)(NSUserDefaults *userDefaults, id value))changeHandler
objectRamains:(nullable void(^)(NSUserDefaults *userDefaults, id value))remainHandler;
Why? It's due to Swift. Swift allows optional parameters (?), which Objective-C does not. This is done as a bridge between the both of them for the Swift compiler to know those parameters are optional. A 'Nonnull' will tell the Swift compiler that the argument is the required. A nullable that it is optional
For more info read: https://developer.apple.com/swift/blog/?id=25
To disable this warning across your entire project
Go to Build Settings
Make sure you are viewing the "All" tab not "Basic" or "Customized"
Search for the field Other Warning Flags.
Add the following flag:
.Now clean and build (⇧⌘K then ⌘R)
Quit Xcode and re-open it (Don't skip this step!)
Note: It can take a few seconds for the warnings to go away even after you finish building and relaunching Xcode, for me it takes about 15 seconds for Xcode to fully update.