PokeAPI + Angular: How to get pokemon's evolution chain

You could always just avoid using Angular and stick with plain JS to build out your evolution chain... try giving this a go, it was based on your angular for loop. This should leave you with an array (evoChain) of the objects containing the data you are looking for ordered from first evolution at 0 index to last evolution at the last index.

var evoChain = [];
var evoData = response.data.chain;

do {
  var evoDetails = evoData['evolution_details'][0];

    "species_name": evoData.species.name,
    "min_level": !evoDetails ? 1 : evoDetails.min_level,
    "trigger_name": !evoDetails ? null : evoDetails.trigger.name,
    "item": !evoDetails ? null : evoDetails.item

  evoData = evoData['evolves_to'][0];
} while (!!evoData && evoData.hasOwnProperty('evolves_to'));

In your sample case above the resulting array should appear as follows:

    "species_name": "charmander",
    "min_level": 1,
    "trigger_name": null,
    "item": null
}, {
    "species_name": "charmeleon",
    "min_level": 16,
    "trigger_name": "level-up",
    "item": null
}, {
    "species_name": "charizard",
    "min_level": 36,
    "trigger_name": "level-up",
    "item": null