Pólya urn flip and roll

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Takes input as (r)(n). This is a naive solution that actually performs the entire simulation.


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Too slow for the last 2 test cases.


r =>                    // r = target ratio
g = (                   // g is a recursive function taking:
  n,                    //   n = number of iterations
  B =                   //   B = number of blue beads, minus 1
  s = 0,                //   s = number of times the target ratio was reached
  R = 0,                //   R = number of red beads, minus 1
  h = d =>              //   h = recursive function taking d = 6-sided die value
    ++d < 7 ?           // increment d; if d is less than or equal to 6:
      h(                //   do a recursive call to h:
        d,              //     using the new value of d
        [0, d].map(b => //     for b = 0 and b = d:
          g(            //       do a first recursive call to g:
            n,          //         leave n unchanged
            B / -~!!b,  //         divide B by 2 if b is not equal to 0
            R / -~!b    //         divide R by 2 if b is equal to 0
          ) & g(        //       do a second recursive call to g:
            n,          //         leave n unchanged
            B + b,      //         add b blue beads
            R + d - b   //         add d - b red beads
          )             //       end of recursive calls to g
        )               //     end of map()
      )                 //   end of recursive call to h
    :                   // else (d > 6):
      s / 24 ** -~n     //   stop recursion and return s / (24 ** (n + 1))
) =>                    // body of g:
  n-- ?                 //   decrement n; if n was not equal to 0:
    h``                 //     invoke h with d = [''] (coerced to 0)
  :                     //   else:
    s +=                //     increment s if:
      ~B <= r * ~R |    //       either (-B-1) <= r*(-R-1), i.e. (B+1)/(R+1) >= r
      ~R <= r * ~B      //       or     (-R-1) <= r*(-B-1), i.e. (R+1)/(B+1) >= r