portable way to deal with 64/32 bit time_t

If you want to go with the macro specifier, I would recommend one minor tweak. Instead of encapsulating the entire specifier, encapsulate just the modifier:

#ifdef 64_BIT_TIME
  #define TT_MOD "ll"
  #define TT_MOD ""

and then using it like this:

printf("current time in seconds is: %" TT_MOD "u", time(0));

The reason why is that while you primarily want the second in decimal, every so often you may want hex (or perhaps you want leading 0's). By only having the modifier there, you can easily write:

"%" TT_MOD "x"   // in hex
"%08" TT_MOD "d"  // left pad with 0's so the number is at least 8 digits

According to the C standard, time_t is an arithmetic type, "capable of representing times". So, it could be double for example. (Posix mentions this more explicitly, and also guarantees that time() returns the number of seconds since the Epoch—the latter is not guaranteed by the C standard.)

Maybe the cleanest solution is to convert the value to whatever type you want. You may want one of unsigned long long or unsigned long:

printf("%llu\n", (unsigned long long)t);

I think the only truly portable way is to use strftime to convert the time_t to a string.

If you're sure that you're only operating on platforms where time_t is an int, you could cast to intmax_t (from stdint.h) and print it using PRIdMAX (from inttypes.h).