Position two stacked tikz matrices

A matrix is just really a node, so if you name the top matrix (Top) then you can use below of=Top in the other matrix to position it:

enter image description here


\matrix  [matrix of nodes,row sep=-\pgflinewidth,column 2/.style={nodes={rectangle,draw,minimum width=3em}}] (Top)
0   & 6 \\
\matrix [matrix of nodes,row sep=-\pgflinewidth,column 2/.style={nodes={rectangle,draw,minimum width=3em}}, below of=Top]
1   & 3 \\

You can also use a scope and shift the entire content.

\matrix [matrix of nodes,row sep=-\pgflinewidth,column 2/.style={nodes={rectangle,draw,minimum width=3em}}]
0   & 6 \\
\matrix [matrix of nodes,row sep=-\pgflinewidth,column 2/.style={nodes={rectangle,draw,minimum width=3em}}]
1   & 3 \\

enter image description here