Possible to have Visual Studio TODO comments in aspx/ascx files appear in task list?
It seems to me that it works fine if you put the delimiters <% and %> on a line by themselves. What I did was this: go to Tools menu and click on Options, then under Environment -> Task List add a new ToTranslate token. Click OK to accept the change. Back on the ASPX page I added the comments on a line by themselves and the code delimiters on lines by themselves.
FYI if you want to do this in a .Net MVC3 razor cshtml file the syntax this:
//TODO: Move this inline <style> css to a file
Take note: that you need to put the trailing } bracket on a new line as otherwise it will be included in the // comment. You could do it using /**/ like below and keep it all on one line but it's more typing, and a bit harder to read. My take is, if it annoys you the comment takes up 3 lines in your file, all the more motivation to fix the issue and remove it completely :)
@{/*TODO: Move this inline <style> css to a file*/}