PostgreSQL Error: column am.amcanorder doesn't exist

Player87 is right, it works just by replacing the newer version 9.6* with 9.5.* of the PostgresSQL server.
But, there is another solution. For a Java project, I have also tried leaving PostgresSQL server on 9.6.* and updated the PostgresSQL driver, from version 9.4-1203 to the newest one 9.4-1211. In a maven pom.xml file:


That worked for me too.

Well the problem was fixed by compiling v9.5.3, the latest stable version at this time. Previously, I was using v9.6beta2 ... which has a reported error when working with JDBC & v9.6beta2.

For me (connecting to PostgreSQL from a Java/Maven application and facing the same error) it was a driver issue.

Updating PostgreSQL driver from 9.4-1201-jdbc41 to 42.1.4 resolved it. My Maven dependency now looks like this:



