PostgreSQL: improving pg_dump, pg_restore performance

Improve pg dump&restore

PG_DUMP | always use format-directory and -j options

time pg_dump -j 8 -Fd -f /tmp/newout.dir fsdcm_external

PG_RESTORE | always use tuning for postgres.conf and format-directory and -j options

work_mem = 32MB
shared_buffers = 4GB
maintenance_work_mem = 2GB
full_page_writes = off
autovacuum = off
wal_buffers = -1
time pg_restore -j 8 --format=d -C -d postgres /tmp/newout.dir/

Two issues/ideas:

  1. By specifying -Fc, the pg_dump output is already compressed. The compression is not maximal, so you may find some space savings by using "gzip -9", but I would wager it's not enough to warrant the extra time (and I/O) used compressing and uncompressing the -Fc version of the backup.

  2. If you are using PostgreSQL 8.4.x you can potentially speed up the restore from a -Fc backup with the new pg_restore command-line option "-j n" where n=number of parallel connections to use for the restore. This will allow pg_restore to load more than one table's data or generate more than one index at the same time.

First check that you are getting reasonable IO performance from your disk setup. Then check that you PostgreSQL installation is appropriately tuned. In particular shared_buffers should be set correctly, maintenance_work_mem should be increased during the restore, full_page_writes should be off during the restore, wal_buffers should be increased to 16MB during the restore, checkpoint_segments should be increased to something like 16 during the restore, you shouldn't have any unreasonable logging on (like logging every statement executed), auto_vacuum should be disabled during the restore.

If you are on 8.4 also experiment with parallel restore, the --jobs option for pg_restore.