Postman Twilio Rest Api

Note : Enhancement of Marcos Placona's Answer

In the Authorization section, set 'AUTH TOKEN' in 'password' field. You can find 'AUTH TOKEN' just below Account Summary.

'Authenticate using your Account SID as the username, and your Auth Token as the password.'

Twilio developer evangelist here.

If you're copying it from here, be aware that the first part of it is the request, and the second is the response, so what you're trying to send to Twilio is the response, hence why it's not working for you.

What you need to send to Twilio is the following:

$ curl -XPOST \
    -d "Body=Jenny%20please%3F%21%20I%20love%20you%20<3" \
    -d "To=%2B15558675309" \
    -d "From=%2B14158141829" \
    -d "MediaUrl=" \
    -u 'AC36b9a6be2f98274fe61d15b63aabf1e0:{AuthToken}'

I've created a quick screeencast showing you how to do that with postman 2. Hope it helps you.

enter image description here