Powershell - LIKE against an array

You can perform a pattern match against a collection of names, but not against a list of patterns. Try this:

foreach($pattern in $excludeFiles)
    if($fileName -like $pattern) {break}

Here is how it can be wrapped into a function:

function like($str,$patterns){
    foreach($pattern in $patterns) { if($str -like $pattern) { return $true; } }
    return $false;

Here is a short version of the pattern in the accepted answer:

($your_array | %{"your_string" -like $_}) -contains $true

Applied to the case in the OP one obtains

PS C:\> ("aaa.bbb", "ccccc.*", "ddddd???.exe" | %{"ddddd000.exe" -like $_}) -contains $true

I suppose you could use the Get-ChildItem -Exclude parameter:

Get-ChildItem $theFileToCheck -exclude $excludeFiles

If you have an array of files to check, Get-ChildItem accepts an array of paths:

Get-ChildItem $filesToCheck -exclude $excludeFiles