powershell v2 remoting - How do you enable unencrypted traffic

AllowEncrypted is defined on the client end, via the WSMAN: drive. You must be running powershell.exe (or powershell_ise.exe) as an elevated process.

ps> cd WSMan:\localhost\Client
ps> dir
Name                      Value
----                      -----
NetworkDelayms            5000
URLPrefix                 wsman
AllowUnencrypted          false

You would change it like so (after changing to the directory above):

Set-Item .\allowunencrypted $true

Hope this helps,

  • Oisin

You probably will need to set the AllowUnencrypted config setting in both the Client and the Service. The Service setting has to be changed in the remote server using the following:

set-item -force WSMan:\localhost\Service\AllowUnencrypted $true

And don't forget to also enable Digest Authorization:

set-item -force WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\Digest $true

You can allow unencrypted traffic on the client with the following command (execute it on the client):

winrm set winrm/config/client '@{AllowUnencrypted="true"}'

To verify, you can get the whole config (client and service) with this command:

winrm get winrm/config

Be aware that each machine has two configs (one for being a client, one for beeing a server). To allow unencrypted traffic on the server, execute the following command on the server:

winrm set winrm/config/service '@{AllowUnencrypted="true"}'