Powershell with Robocopy and Arguments Passing

Use the arrays, Luke. If you specify an array of values, PowerShell will automatically expand them into separate parameters. In my experience, this is the most reliable method. And it doesn't require you to mess with the Start-Process cmdlet, which is in my opinion is overkill for such tasks.

This trick is from the best article I've seen on the PowerShell behavior towards external executables: PowerShell and external commands done right.


$source = 'C:\hold\first test'
$destination = 'C:\hold\second test'
$robocopyOptions = @('/NJH', '/NJS')
$fileList = 'test.txt'

$CmdLine = @($source, $destination, $fileList) + $robocopyOptions
& 'robocopy.exe' $CmdLine

Start robocopy -args "$source $destination $fileLIst $robocopyOptions"
robocopy $source $destination $fileLIst $robocopyOptions.split(' ')