Preference Activity on Preference Click Listener

Implement OnPreferenceClickListener and in the onPreferenceClick

public boolean onPreferenceClick (Preference preference)
    String key = preference.getKey();
    // do what ever you want with this key

Maybe this could not be useful for OP, but could be useful for someone else. I'd like to write a sort of summary; in general, you can follow mainly three ways: 1) you can find your preference somewhere in your code with

Preference examplePreference = findPreference(KEY_EXAMPLE_PREFERENCE);

and then you can add a click listener and override its on click method with

examplePreference.setOnPreferenceClickListener(new Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener() {
    public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference preference) {
        // handle click here

This has to be done for every preference whose clicks you want to listen to 2) You can implement Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener interface in your settings fragment/activity and override onPreferenceClick just once, by using a switch construct or a if-else if-else if-... construct and merging all the single handlings; it should be something like:

public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference preference) {
    switch (preference.getKey()) {
            // handle click here
        case ...

Then, you still have to find each preference but you can simply call on each of them


(I think the OP's implementation didn't work (his method wasn't called) because of this last part) we pass "this" as parameter because we implemented the click listener interface

3) (which I think is the easiest) you can override

onPreferenceTreeClick(PreferenceScreen preferenceScreen, Preference preference)

in your preference fragment/activity without implementing any other interface and there you can copy the switch of the if-else if-... construct of option 2); the main advantage in that you shouldn't need to find each preference and to call on them setOnPreferenceClickListener.

Hope this will be useful for someone!