Prepend title of mp3 file using `say`
Try this: Convert the target .mp3 also into the same format you're converting. Rewriting your steps with a few modifications and be-careful's:
mkdir -p backup/
mkdir -p working/
for file in ./*.mp3; do
BASE="$(basename "$file" .mp3)"
say "[[volm 0.4]] $BASE" -o "${BASE}-pre.aiff"
ffmpeg -i "${BASE}-pre.aiff" -f mp3 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 192000 -ar 44100 "${BASE}-pre.mp3"
ffmpeg -i "$file" -f mp3 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 192000 -ar 44100 "${BASE}-bak.mp3"
rm "${BASE}-pre.aiff"
mv "$file" backup/
mp3cat -o "$file" "${BASE}-pre.mp3" "${BASE}-bak.mp3"
mv "${BASE}-pre.mp3" working/
mv "${BASE}-bak.mp3" working/
Modified your script to use ffmpeg. As always, backup your files before running the scripts to avoid losing data.
Option 1
Slower, will re-encode the files, but preserves metadata:
for file in ./*.mp3; do
BASE="$(basename "$file" .mp3)"
mv "${file}" "${BASE}-bak.mp3"
say "[[volm 0.4]] ${BASE}" -o "${BASE}-pre.aiff"
ffmpeg -i "${BASE}-pre.aiff" -f mp3 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 192000 -ar 44100 "${BASE}-pre.mp3"
rm "${BASE}-pre.aiff"
ffmpeg -i "${BASE}-pre.mp3" -i "${BASE}-bak.mp3" -filter_complex [0:a][1:a]concat=n=2:v=0:a=1 -map_metadata 1 "${file}"
rm "${BASE}-pre.mp3"
Option 2:
Fast, no re-encoding, metadata will be lost:
for file in ./*.mp3; do
BASE="$(basename "$file" .mp3)"
mv "${file}" "${BASE}-bak.mp3"
say "[[volm 0.4]] ${BASE}" -o "${BASE}-pre.aiff"
ffmpeg -i "${BASE}-pre.aiff" -f mp3 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 192000 -ar 44100 "${BASE}-pre.mp3"
rm "${BASE}-pre.aiff"
echo "file '${BASE}-pre.mp3'" >temp
echo "file '${BASE}-bak.mp3'" >>temp
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i temp "${file}"
rm "${BASE}-pre.mp3"
rm temp
Either way the resulting files seem to work fine using QuickTime, and it plays the entire file properly.