Press UIBarButtonItem programmatically in swift?
If you look at Objective-C equivalent questions, you'll see implementations that use performSelector:
. In Swift, you don't have access to this method. Here's the official word on it from Apple:
The performSelector: method and related selector-invoking methods are not imported in Swift because they are inherently unsafe.
You can solve this problem by using UIApplication.sendAction(_:to:from:forEvent:)
instead. Technically, you should be doing this in Objective-C too.
Let's say your UIBarButtonItem
is defined as barButtonItem
. The following code would do what you are asking.
UIApplication.sharedApplication().sendAction(barButtonItem.action, to:, from: self, forEvent: nil)
Swift 4 (and 3) syntax
UIApplication.shared.sendAction(barButtonItem.action!, to:, from: self, for: nil)
Works in Swift 5:
_ =, with: nil)