Prevent 10.2 from creating "Wolfram Mathematica" directory on Linux

The "Wolfram Mathematica" directory is created automatically by the front-end and is located in $UserDocumentsDirectory.

It is the default directory to save new documents in and also is on TrustedPath.

The typical location for Linux systems is $HOME/Documents, however it may happen to fall back on $HOME depending on the Xdg user directories setting. This can be changed by

xdg-user-dirs-update --set DOCUMENTS AnyDesiredDirectory
which can prevent the home directory cluttering behavior by using another location.

Indeed this is annoying. In my ~/.Mathematica/Kernel/init.m I have placed this removal code:

With[{dir = $UserDocumentsDirectory <> "/Wolfram Mathematica"},
  If[DirectoryQ[dir], DeleteDirectory[dir]]