Prevent a directory in /tmp from being deleted

I use pam-tmpdir for this: it creates a user-private temporary directory at login. To set it up, add

session optional

to the appropriate PAM services; on a Debian-based system, installing the libpam-tmpdir package will offer to do this for you, or you can add the line to /etc/pam.d/common-session. The next time you log in, you’ll find a directory under /tmp/user with your user id, and TMP and TMPDIR set appropriately.

One solution would be to use a @reboot cron job:

@reboot mkdir -p "/tmp/$USER"

Adding this to your crontab with crontab -e would make it execute whenever the machine boots up.

Or, use

mkdir -p "/tmp/$USER"

in your shell's startup file.

In either case, you may also want to use

export TMPDIR

in your shell's startup file if you want to use that directory as the default temporary directory.

If you're running no a system with systemd and it uses systemd-tmpfiles to manage the cleanup, then you should configure the directory using that system.

Here's a full documentation. You can likely achieve what you want by creating /etc/tmpfiles.d/something.conf with contents like:

d     /tmp/your_username   0750 your_user your_group  - -

