Prevent Dynamic from behaving dynamically until notebook evaluated

You can use the SaveDefinitions option of DynamicModule for this:

DynamicModule[{}, Dynamic@a[[2]], SaveDefinitions -> True]

To start your notebook with Dynamic Updating Enabled not being checked add this code to your notebook:

Dynamic[, Initialization :> FrontEndExecute[FrontEndToken["ToggleDynamicUpdating"]]]

To return the dynamic updating back, you should use ToggleDynamicUpdating again, as you correctly mentioned in the comments:

a = {1, 2};

Alternatively, you could program not to save output cells when you close your notebook according to this procedure. No output - no issues with dynamic update =)

Just returning to this question now and after reading your addendum I don't think you have adequately set up your test. For example here we see that when the kernel stops the value of a is not preserved and you get error boxes appearing:

enter image description here

If you want a to be Global then try this:

Dynamic@If[ListQ[a] &&Length[a]>1&& TrueQ[a[[1]] > 0], Dynamic[a[[2]]], Spacer[0]]

enter image description here

It is best to localise your dynamic variables rather than have them global. In order to localise the variable and have its value stored within the notebook you need to make it a DynamicModule variable ...which you haven't done in any of your examples. If it is a DM variable then it will "survive" the kernel session.

enter image description here

