Prevent input checkbox from toggling <details>

Welcome to the incompatible world of browsers! :D

First of all, you should consider working with the click event instead of the change event, because if user clicks on a checkbox, first the click event is triggered and then change event, which means the click event is responsible for the toggle behaviour and again not the change event.

So, on both Chrome and Firefox, the click event for special elements such as input, button, textarea that lies in the summary element bubbles up to the parent details element, which is a normal behaviour, however the interesting thing is that the click event is apparently only ignored in Chrome and not processed further, so that the details element is not toggled. You can try it with another element, i.e. button, on Chrome, and you will observe no difference. Firefox on the other hand just toggles it regardless of the type of element.

So, to overcome this problem, (with a little help of CSS) you can try it with a ghost checkbox element, so to speak, that is absolutely positioned, thus not part of the normal document flow. It's invisible and most importantly operates the state of the visible checkbox by staying on top of it and handling the click event in the first place, like so:

P.S. Works both on Firefox and Chrome - tested.

$('input.ghost-checkbox').click(function(e) {
    $(this).next().prop('checked', !$(this).next().prop('checked'));
    return false;
.ghost-checkbox {
  opacity: 0;
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 2;
<script src=""></script>

    <span style="overflow: hidden">
      <input type="checkbox" class="ghost-checkbox">
      <input type="checkbox">
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