Preventing itemize environment to insert initial vertical space

Lists like itemize act differently if they are used within a minipage environment. Specifically, they don't insert that vertical space before. So, you could use a minipage environment inside the table cell for the itemize list. There's a trick which is more handy - define this command:


Now just use \compress before \begin{itemize}. You could even use it within the column definition, if you also load the array package:


Output of your example using this command:

alt text

The vertical space before itemize is gone. If you would like to compress the lists even more, have a look at

  • the paralist package, which offers a compactitem environment for that purpose, or

  • the enumitem package which allows easy customization of list environments, for example \begin{itemize}[itemsep=0pt], it even provides global configuration commands for lists.

But even with \begin{itemize}[itemsep=0pt,topsep=0pt] I would additionally use \compress.

Also consider something like this:

\begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=5mm]
    \item Satisfy individual's needs for affiliation
    \item Develop individual's sense of identity
    \item Reduce individual's axiety and feelings of insecurity and powerlessness

The nosep kills all vertical spacing, leftmargin halves the horizontal space between the table left border and the bullets