primefaces keyup or other ajax event delay

If using Primefaces 5.x, there's a delay attribute in the p:ajax tag for this purpose. So it's done like this:

    <p:ajax event="keyup" delay="1000" listener="#{someBean.doSomething}"
        update="somefield" process="@this" />

If not, you could achieve it using f:ajax instead of p:ajax (yes, it works with p:inputText, too). f:ajax has added support for queue control starting from JSF 2.2. So the code looks like:

    <f:ajax event="keyup" delay="1000" listener="#{someBean.doSomething}"
        render="somefield" execute="@this" />

See also:

  • Primefaces 5.0 p:ajax javadoc
  • JSF 2.2 docs for f:ajax

You cannot use the Primefaces Ajax Component, if you chose the jquery/javascript solution. You would have to implement your own javascript function (with ajax/xmlHttpRequest support) and trigger that function after half a second.

But there is another solution, a workaround: you could use an autocomplete component and use 3 helpful attributes: valueChangeListener(A method expression that refers to a method for handling a valuchangeevent - you use that instead of completeMethod because you don't need the returning suggestions), queryDelay (Delay to wait in milliseconds before sending each query to the server) and minQueryLength (Number of characters to be typed before starting to query - if you don't want to start the ajax request after just one character typed).

I hope you will find this solution quiet interesting...Please see the autocomplete component in action here( ) and you can find out more by reading the Primefaces User Guide for 3.0.M4.

Why don't you use PrimeFaces' RemoteCommand component?

It gives you a global Javascript function, that you can call from wherever whenever you want. And it lets you call the managed-bean method and it has the update attribute for partial update.

<p:inputText id="input" />

    <p:remoteCommand name="sendAjaxical" update="somefield" action="#{someBean.doSomething}"/>

Register event handler, I borrowed the following from the same answer you posted:

var delay = (function() {
    var timer = 0;
    return function(callback, ms) {
        clearTimeout (timer);
        timer = setTimeout(callback, ms);

jQuery("#input").keyup(function() {
    delay(function() { sendAjaxical(); }, 2000); //sendAjaxical is the name of remote-command