Problem unmarshalling parcelables

I had the same problem with the following setup: some handler creates a Message and sends its over a Messenger to a remote service.

the Message contains a Bundle where I put my Parcelable descendant:

final Message msg = Message.obtain(null, 0);
msg.getData().putParcelable("DOWNLOADFILEURLITEM", downloadFileURLItem);


I had the same exception when the remote service tried to unparcel. In my case, I had overseen that the remote service is indeed a separate os process. Therefore, I had to set the current classloader to be used by the unparcelling process on the service side:

final Bundle bundle = msg.getData();

DownloadFileURLItem urlItem = (DownloadFileURLItem)

Bundle.setClassLoader sets the classloader which is used to load the appropriate Parcelable classes. In a remote service, you need to reset it to the current class loader.

Because this was not answered in "answer" but in comment I will post an answer: As @Max-Gontar pointed you should use LocationType.class.getClassLoader() to get the correct ClassLoader and get rid of ClassNotFound exception, i.e.:
