Problem while compiling friggeri CV template with: ' fontspec error: "font-not-found"'
That template assumes you have obtained a license for Linotype's Neue Helvetica (€45 to €1500) and properly installed the font. If you haven't, try {Arial}
, {TeX Gyre Heros}
, or whatever you like, instead. Locate friggeri-cv.cls
and modify the following lines (l. 53--58):
\newfontfamily\bodyfont[]{Helvetica Neue}
\newfontfamily\thinfont[]{Helvetica Neue UltraLight}
\newfontfamily\headingfont[]{Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold}
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text, Color=textcolor]{Helvetica Neue Light}
Just for completeness: It is also possible to use the simplified version of the Friggeri CV from my github account. I modified the template so that it works with a regular Texlive installation and pdflatex
, without the need for luatex
and biber
(As requested.)
One alternative might be Source Sans Pro by Adobe, which gave me the following fonts:
SourceSansPro-BlackIt.otf SourceSansPro-It.otf
SourceSansPro-Black.otf SourceSansPro-LightIt.otf
SourceSansPro-BoldIt.otf SourceSansPro-Light.otf
SourceSansPro-Bold.otf SourceSansPro-Regular.otf
SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt.otf SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt.otf
SourceSansPro-ExtraLight.otf SourceSansPro-Semibold.otf
Which should include enough variations to replace the Helvetica-Neue fonts. I suppose you'd want to use the -Black.otf
version for Condensed Bold, -ExtraLight.oft
for the Ultralight, and so on.
In terms of installing them, under GNU/Linux, I simply added them to my ~/.fonts
directory. On Windows, my comment suggested this might be accomplished by moving the files to the 'Fonts' folder in the 'Control Panel' --- but that is a hazy memory from Windows XP days. (Please correct me if I'm mistaken.) Macs must have a personal fonts folder, too, but as to where that might be....
But nowadays, you can install Source Sans Pro directly from CTAN, and then use (if so inclined) via \usepackage{sourcesanspro}
. This is much easier in general, but I'd be inclined in this case to make the substitutions directly.