Problem with install command to copy a whole directory

Starting from @Joseph R.'s answer, this is my solution to make it work with find, as I couldn't make his command work. (I don't think it does, because of the rules applying to \+: there can be nothing after the {} element.) (I couldn't comment. This whole paragraph can actually be removed.)

To copy all the files into the exact same directory (here target/directory):

find directory/to/copy -type f -exec install -Dm 755 "{}" "target/directory" \;

-D is not mandatory here, it will just create the non-existing directories to the target.

To copy a whole directory hierarchy and its files (this will omit empty directories) starting from where you currently are:

find directory/tree/to/copy -type f -exec install -Dm 755 "{}" "target/directory/{}" \;

As said, this will recreate the tree starting from $PWD. Also, if you need to copy the empty directory, on could find a way using the -type d of find and install -d.

So, in order to copy the tree, starting from a directory that is not $PWD:

(cd parent/directory && find directory/tree/to/copy -type f -exec install -Dm 755 "{}" "target/directory/{}" \;)

Notice how parent/directory isn't copied over.


For those using shell/fish, here's the line which does the same:

fish -c 'cd parent/directory; and find directory/tree/to/copy -type f -exec install -Dm 755 "{}" "target/directory/{}" \\;'

From a look at the man page, it seems that install will not do what you want.

Indeed, the Synopsis section indicates a usage of the form:

install [OPTION]... -d DIRECTORY...

and later on, the man page says:

-d, --directory
treat all arguments as directory names; create all components of the specified directories

So it seems to me that the point of this option is to be able to install a complicated (but empty) directory structure à la mkdir -p ....

You can accomplish what you want with a loop:

for file in /path/to/DotFiles/dir/*;do
    install -m 755 "$file" ~/

Or, if there are many levels under /path/to/DotFiles/dir, you can use find:

find /path/to/DotFiles/dir/ -type f -exec 'install -m 755 "{}" ~/' +