Procmail vs. Maildrop - which to use?

Here is a summary of what I have read in various places:

Maildrop claims to be a "drop-in replacement" for procmail.

Procmail uses an archaic syntax with several unmemorable single-letter commands. Maildrop uses a more powerful, versatile, and readable pattern-action syntax which bears a strong resemblance to that of awk.

Procmail is more widely used than maildrop. Procmail has more examples available on line.

Procmail reads large messages into memory. Maildrop makes use of pipes and temporary files to avoid overloading RAM. Procmail claims to have a very slight speed advantage.

My suggestion: Read the docs for both, and go with the one whose syntax makes more sense to you.

It is quite difficult to answer. As far as I can see, procmail is very stable and works well. It is not clear (to me) if maildrop can be integrated so easily in .forward like procmail. The good things of procmail are:

  • it is based on pipes, so you can easily add filter using formail+sed+bash
  • it is easy to build a yes/no filter to use with procmail (i.e. a spam processor)
  • do most of the things you need
  • the mailing list is still alive

On the opposite:

  • procmail syntax for dynamic match is complex (the / stuff) and I have found little example
  • documentation is scattered on a lot of howto. This url is good but should be edited a bit.


