Producing SOAP webservices with spring-ws with Soap v1.2 instead of the default v1.1

You are mixing Spring-WS with annotations from JAX-WS (package That won't work. To configure Spring-WS to use SOAP 1.2, add the following bean definition:

public SaajSoapMessageFactory messageFactory() {
    SaajSoapMessageFactory messageFactory = new SaajSoapMessageFactory();
    return messageFactory;

If the messageFactory Bean is not in the singleton scope, then the afterPropertiesSet() method in the SaajSoapMessageFactory is not called on bean instantation.

The afterPropertiesSet() method sets up an internal message factory. So if your messageFactory bean has its own scope you need to set up the internal message factory like this:

public SaajSoapMessageFactory messageFactory() {
    SaajSoapMessageFactory messageFactory = new SaajSoapMessageFactory();
    messageFactory.messageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance(SOAPConstants.SOAP_1_2_PROTOCOL);
    return messageFactory;