Product of Digits

Javascript (84 78 76 74 72 70 68)


Edit: Borrowed input/output idea from other solution, and shorter output logic.

Edit 2: Saved 2 chars by removing unneeded braces in for loop.

Edit 3: Saved 2 chars by rewriting while loop as if statement with i++.

Edit 4: Saved 2 chars by moving around and reducing operations on i.

Edit 5: Convert if statement into ternary format saving 2 more chars.

Edit 6: Save 2 chars by moving i-- into true part of ternary, remove ++i.

Golfscript, 45 43 40 chars


Replaces version which didn't group small primes into powers and saves 8 chars while doing so. Note: 12 = floor(9 log 10 / log 5).

Acknowledgements: two characters saved by nicking a trick from @mellamokb; 3 saved with a hint from @Nabb.

JavaScript, 88 72 78 74 69 68

4 characters longer, but actually an executable script (as opposed to a function).

Edit: Using ideas from the other JavaScript, I can reduce it to this:


Finally! A 69-character solution, only uses 1 for loop ;)


Okay, shaved off one comma.




Code Golf