Program and debugger quit without indication of problem

According to ntstatus.h file, 0x4000001f (STATUS_WX86_BREAKPOINT) is an exception status code that is used by the Win32 x86 emulation subsystem. It (I suppose) means that you reached a breakpoint which is not exploitable. You should enable debugging unmanaged code.

Rebooting fixed the problem for me.

I encountered the problem attempting to debug through NUnit via Resharper's test runner, and separately attempting to step through a W3WP.exe process.

I Have the same Situation with Visual Studio 2013. Like Ron This save My day : Project -> Properties -> Debug and turn off "Enable the Visual Studio hosting process".


Using Visual Studio 2012 (Version 11.0.50727.1 RTMREL), the only solution I found was to go to Project -> Properties -> Debug and turn off "Enable the Visual Studio hosting process".

The option "Enable native code debugging" did not help even though I had all exceptions set to break-when-thrown.

Interestingly, this problem only started happening when I upgraded from VS2012 beta to the VS2012 official release.