Programmatically triggering mouse move event in Javascript

Have you looked at initMouseEvent and dispatchEvent?

Here is a link

The new (non-deprecated) way to do this is with the MouseEvent constructor.

Here's some sample code that you can adapt to your use case:

var gestureTimeoutID;
var periodicGesturesTimeoutID;

window.simulateRandomGesture = function (doneCallback) {
    var target = document.querySelector('canvas');

    var rect = target.getBoundingClientRect();

    var simulateMouseEvent = function simulateMouseEvent(type, point) {
        var event = new MouseEvent(type, {
            'view': window,
            'bubbles': true,
            'cancelable': true,
            'clientX': rect.left + point.x,
            'clientY': + point.y,
            // you can pass any other needed properties here

    var t = 0;

    /* Simple circle:
    var getPointAtTime = (t) => {
        return {
            x: 300 + Math.sin(t / 50) * 150,
            y: 300 + Math.cos(t / 50) * 150,

    // More fun:
    var cx = Math.random() * rect.width;
    var cy = Math.random() * rect.height;
    var gestureComponents = [];
    var numberOfComponents = 5;
    for (var i = 0; i < numberOfComponents; i += 1) {
            rx: Math.random() * Math.min(rect.width, rect.height) / 2 / numberOfComponents,
            ry: Math.random() * Math.min(rect.width, rect.height) / 2 / numberOfComponents,
            angularFactor: Math.random() * 5 - Math.random(),
            angularOffset: Math.random() * 5 - Math.random()
    var getPointAtTime = function getPointAtTime(t) {
        var point = { x: cx, y: cy };
        for (var i = 0; i < gestureComponents.length; i += 1) {
            var c = gestureComponents[i];
            point.x += Math.sin(Math.PI * 2 * (t / 100 * c.angularFactor + c.angularOffset)) * c.rx;
            point.y += Math.cos(Math.PI * 2 * (t / 100 * c.angularFactor + c.angularOffset)) * c.ry;
        return point;

    simulateMouseEvent('mousedown', getPointAtTime(t));
    var move = function move() {
        t += 1;
        if (t > 50) {
            simulateMouseEvent('mouseup', getPointAtTime(t));
            if (doneCallback) {
        } else {
            simulateMouseEvent('mousemove', getPointAtTime(t));
            gestureTimeoutID = setTimeout(move, 10);

window.simulateRandomGesturesPeriodically = function (delayBetweenGestures) {
    delayBetweenGestures = delayBetweenGestures !== undefined ? delayBetweenGestures : 50;

    var waitThenGo = function waitThenGo() {
        periodicGesturesTimeoutID = setTimeout(function () {
        }, delayBetweenGestures);

window.stopSimulatingGestures = function () {