prolog file suffix code example

Example: prolog file suffix

% transposition of a rectangular matrix% e.g.   [[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8]]% give [[1,5],[2,6],[3,7],[4,8]] transpose(In, Out) :-    In = [H | T],    maplist(initdl, H, L),    work(T, In, Out). % we use the difference list to make "quick" appends (one inference)initdl(V, [V | X] - X). work(Lst, [H], Out) :-	maplist(my_append_last, Lst, H, Out). work(Lst, [H | T], Out) :-    maplist(my_append, Lst, H, Lst1),    work(Lst1, T, Out). my_append(X-Y, C, X1-Y1) :-    append_dl(X-Y, [C | U]- U, X1-Y1). my_append_last(X-Y, C, X1) :-	append_dl(X-Y, [C | U]- U, X1-[]). % "quick" appendappend_dl(X-Y, Y-Z, X-Z).