Proof by Strong Induction: $n = 2^a b,\, b\,$ odd, every natural a product of an odd and a power of 2

To prove something by strong induction, you have to prove that

If all natural numbers strictly less than $N$ have the property, then $N$ has the property.

is true for all $N$.

So: our induction hypothesis is going to be:

Every natural number $k$ that is strictly less than $n$ can be written as a product of a power of $2$ and an odd number.

And we want to prove that from this hypothesis, we can conclude that $n$ itself can be written as the product of a power of $2$ and an odd number.

Well, we have two cases: either $n$ is odd, or $n$ is even. If we can prove the result holds in both cases, we'll be done.

Case 1: $n$ is odd. Then we can write $n=2^0\times n$, and we are done. So in Case 1, the result holds for $n$.

Case 2: If $n$ is even, then we can write $n=2k$ for some natural number $k$. But then $k\lt n$, so we can apply the induction hypothesis to $k$. We conclude that ...and you should finish this part...

So we conclude that the result holds for all natural numbers by strong induction.

