Proper way to avoid parseInt throwing a NumberFormatException for input string: ""

Yes, but: Wrap it in a thin method (and eliminate the redundant else), or use an existing implementation, like Commons Lang's NumberUtils.toInt(str, defaultValue):

NumberUtils.toInt(myString, 0);

This method handles null values and conversion failures.

Writing the same thing on your own is straight-forward:

  • Check for null, and/or...
  • ...Wrap the NumberFormatExtension exception

If the string can be empty I do it this way:

Integer.parseInt("0" + inputString)

When I'm not sure it contains only digits:

Integer.parseInt(0 + inputString.replaceAll("\\D+",""))

What you have is fine, but as a coding style I prefer to make tests "positive" (isBlank), rather than "negative" (isNotBlank), ie

if (StringUtils.isBlank(myString)) {
    return 0;
return Integer.parseInt(myString); // Note: No need for else when the if returns

or, more succinctly:

return StringUtils.isBlank(myString) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(myString);

Well, you could use the conditional operator instead:

return StringUtils.isNotBlank(myString) ? Integer.parseInt(myString) : 0;

If you need to do this in multiple places, you'd probably want to put this into a separate method. Note that you should also consider situations where myString is null, or contains non-numeric text.