Property is not assignable to string index in interface

The presented best solution didn't work when I've tried to implement this interface. I ended up nesting part with dynamic key. Maybe someone will find it useful:

interface MultichannelConfiguration {
  channels: {
    [key: string]: Configuration;
  defaultChannel: string;

You can use an intersection of two interfaces:

interface Api<T> {
    [key: string]: T[];  

type ApiType<T> = Api<T> & {
    meta: Meta;

declare let x: ApiType<string>;

let a = x.meta // type of `a` is `Meta`
let b = x["meta"]; // type of `b` is `Meta`

let p = x["someotherindex"] // type of `p` is `string[]`
let q = x.someotherindex // type of `q` is `string[]`