Prove that 3 points are in straight line.

Let $F$ be the point where $CD$ intersects $BE$. This proof relies on inscribed angles.

We have $\angle CDB = 120^\circ$. That means $\angle BDF = 60^\circ$. Therefore, we also have $\angle FDE = 60^\circ$ by symmetry. So $\angle BDE = 120^\circ$. Also, we have $\angle ADB = \angle ACB = 60^\circ$. Therefore we arrive at $\angle ADE = 180^\circ$.


  • When you reflect $B$, you get that $|\angle CDE|$ = $|\angle CDB|$.
  • Angles $\angle CDB$ and $\angle CDA$ are based on very specific arcs.

I hope this helps $\ddot\smile$

Well, ∠CBA = ∠ACB = 60 deg. => arc AC = arc AB = 120, thus the big arc CB = 240, that means ∠CDB = 1/2 arc CB = 120, because it is an inscribed angle.

