pssh, Time out, killed by signal 9

After googling, I found pssh command will only lasted 60 seconds if you not input -t option. So, to solve this, I type the command

pssh -P -h ip.txt -t 100000000 -i ipengine --file=~/parallel/test/ipcontroller-engine.json

And the command will be killed after 100000000 seconds

Update 2020/08/28

Thanks @Nicolas Thery and @Setzer22, instead of setting an arbitrarily large value, you can set -t 0 to disable the timeout functionality.

Set pssh to have a timeout of 0 to disable the default 60 second timeout. -t 0

pssh -P -t 0 -h host_file <COMMAND>

The top answer suggests a really long timeout, when you can just disable it.