put an if condition in scss code example
Example: sass if else
// How to create an if-else clause in sass
// First create a mixin, which is like a function in javaScript
// And pass in an optional parameter to the mixin to hold the value
// js ==> if, else if, else, while sass is ==> @if, @else if, @else
// No brackets surrounding each condition in sass
// Then pass in your block of styles to optionally load.
// @mixin variable-name(optional parameter(s))
@mixin border-stroke($val){
@if $val == light {
border: 1px solid black;
@else if $val == medium {
border: 3px solid black;
@else if $val == heavy {
border: 6px solid black;
border: none;
// Usage
// Call a mixin using the @include followed by the mixin name
@include border-stroke(medium)
// with love @kouqhar