Put JSON data into html form input hidden?

Your string is correct, but it cannot be defined in HTML because it contains double quotes.

HTML requires you to escape double quotes when you are defining a String that is itself enclosed within double quotes. The appropriate way of doing this is using the HTML entity:


From PHP:

Use htmlspecialchars or htmlentities (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.htmlspecialchars.php). In any case, you normally should be using this over EVERY value you write to the client browser (not doing so may result in security risks).

From Javascript:

If you need to do this from Javascript, you can programatically set the value of the hidden element (provided your JSON string is already contained in a Javascript variable). This way you don't have to worry about encoding the string literal:

hiddenElement.value = yourString;

In order to get an escape function you can use, maybe check this thread: Escaping HTML strings with jQuery .

Best way for me was to use html & quot;

for example i do this:

 <input type="hidden" id="v" value="[{&quot;id&quot;:&quot;1&quot;}]" >

instead of

 <input type="hidden" id="v" value="[{"id":"1"}]" >