Putting Images Inside a BUTTON Element (HTML & CSS)

I would use spans not divs for the image containers, since you seem to want the images to appear inline. Using floated divs is just too complex.

In fact, you could probably simplify things further by applying one background image to the button itself, and one to the button-text span, and removing the other two containers altogether.

Another alternative is to simply add the images in as img tags.

Here is how to do it

The Theory

Block elements (like DIV) although displayed in order of creation, will position themselves adjacent to the previous element or when short of space, on the next line. Because we dont want to give the button a width (we want the button to be automatically sized based on the content of the button) the block elements continued to appear on the next line (see IE8 image in the question above). Using white-space:nowrap forces inline elements (like SPAN and EM) to be displayed on the same line, but is ignored by block elements, hence the solution below.


    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    font-family:Lucida Sans MS, Tahoma;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #000; 

button em{
    margin:0 2px;
    background-image: url(images/ui-icons_3d3d3d_256x240.png);      

button em.leftImage{
    background-position: -96px -112px;

button em.rightImage{
    background-position: -64px -16px;


<button><em class="leftImage"></em>Button<em class='rightImage'></em></button>

The Result

Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8 and Firefox 1.5, 2, 3

alt text