Pycharm debugger instantly exits with 139 code

I did change Pycharm from 2017.1.4 to Pycharm EAP 2017.2, but with no effect.

I solved the problem by making new python virtual environment and changing default Pycharm interpreter to it. Not the fastest solution I guess, but at least it worked.

Pycharm now again gives suggestions of building something for Cython, but now I just ignore it.

I had the same issue with 2018.3 after updating and installing Cython for fast debugging.

The issue was with gevent library.

Solved enabling Gevent compatible option and disabling PyQt compatible.

enter image description here

Goto pycharm -> Preferences -> Build,Execution and deployment -> Python debugger

Check box Collect run-time types information for code insight.

This solved issues for me.

I've fixed it by disabling PyQt compatible option in PyCharms's debugger settings (Build, Execution, Deployment > Python Debugger). I don't use PyQt, so I have not met any troubles