Pycharm jupyter notebook wsl: Jupyter package is not installed

I had this problem in Python 3. Below are the steps I took to resolve the issue; I believe they should resolve the issue for you too:

  1. I had Jupyter Lab installed. Pycharm only works with Jupyter Notebook. Long story short, if you have Jupyter Lab installed you need to uninstall all your packages using:

    $ pip freeze | xargs pip uninstall -y

  2. Restart your computer

  3. Follow Jupyter Notebook installation instructions

  4. Make sure WSL is set up through pycharm instructions: wsl pycharm instructions

  5. In Pycharm, open an .ipynb file. Click the dropdown that says "Managed Jupyter server" It's right above the text editor. Select "configure Jupyter server". Check configured server.

  6. In your wsl terminal, type jupyter notebook. Copy and paste the text that looks like: http://localhost:8888/?token=874asdf687asd6fasd8f74ds6f4s9d8f7sddf into the cofigured server box in Pycharm.

That's it. You should be able to run the jupyter cells in pycharm now.

I have Pycharm 2020.3 For me the issue was I was using a virtual environment with "inherit global site packages." I had Jupyter installed in global site packages but NOT the virtual environment.

Once I installed Jupyter within the virtual environment Jupyter notebook worked. Not sure why inheriting Jupyter from global packages wasn't working for me.