Pycharm not getting syntax highlight

As CrazyCoder answered, my file also landed in an unintended association. In my case it was "Auto-detect file type by content". You can just try to add your file to the desired file type (e.g. Python) and PyCharm will automatically try to move the association.

Please see File | Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Editor | File Types.

Look for your file name mapped to the Text type or to the Auto-detect file type by content type.

Remove the incorrect mapping and it will fix the issue.

If you still can't find the wrong mapping in the IDE settings, locate the options/filetypes.xml file in the Configuration directory. Close the IDE and either edit this file to remove the incorrect mapping or delete this file to reset all the file types to the defaults.

text files

  • You can also use Revert File Type Override / Override File Type file context menu actions.

FYI, a quick action to reassociate a file's type will be available in the context menu of the Project tool window in IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 (EAPs should be available publicly around May 2021).