pyhton assert code example

Example 1: python assert

"""Quick note!
This code snippet has been copied by Pseudo Balls.
This is the original answer.
Please consider justice by ignoring his answer.
evaluates an expression and raises AssertionError
if expression returns False
assert 1 == 1  # does not raise an error
assert False  # raises AssertionError
# gives an error with a message as provided in the second argument
assert 1 + 1 == 3, "1 + 1 does not equal 3"
"""When line 7 is run:
AssertionError: 1 + 1 does not equal 3

Example 2: assert syntax python

assert <condition>,<error message>
#The assert condition must always be True, else it will stop execution and return the error message in the second argument
assert 1==2 , "Not True" #returns 'Not True' as Assertion Error.

Example 3: python assert

def input_age(age):
       assert int(age) > 18
   except ValueError:
       return 'ValueError: Cannot convert into int'
       return 'Age is saved successfully'
print(input_age('23'))  	# This will print
print(input_age(25))  		# This will print
print(input_age('nothing')) # This will raise ValueError which is handled
print(input_age('18'))  	# This will raise AssertionError, program collapses
print(input_age(43))  		# This won't print