pyhton multiline comment code example
Example 1: multiline comment python
# While Python doesn't support multi-line comments, it can ignore anything
inside a multi-line string!
Just wrap the comment in the three single quote marks,
Example 2: python multiline comment
#%% There are not multiline comments in python,
# this # is the only form of commenting but, people use
# """triple quotes""" for multiline commenting but this
# is actually a String the interpreter will read and
# will ocupy memory. If you dont put this kind of string
# into a variable it will be collected on execution
Example 3: python multiline comment
def increase_salary(sal,rating,percentage):
""" increase salary base on rating and percentage
rating 1 - 2 no increase
rating 3 - 4 increase 5%
rating 4 - 6 increase 10%
Example 4: multiline comment in python
# Python is a language that doesn't support multiline comments
# In languages like JS, single line comments have
# and multiline comments have in the end
# the pound symbol in front of these five lines is the python equivalent of
print("But there is a workaround!!!")
In python, multiline string is written with 3 double or single quotes,
and the characters in between are treated as an entire string
but, if this string isn't assigned to a variable, python doesnt give any error
It instead ignores the string, similar to the behaviour it would have
towards a comment.
If this is string is put just after defining a function, it is treated as a
docstring, or the documentation string of that function. So, it does have a
meaning and is not exactly ignored by Python
def someFUnc():
Python will treat this as a docstring
# Python will treat this as a docstring