PyInstaller with Pandas creates over 500 MB exe

PyInstaller creates a big executable from conda packages and a small executable from pip packages. From this simple python code:

from pandas import DataFrame as df

I obtain a 203MB executable using conda packages and a 30MB executable using pip packages. But conda is a nice replacement for pure virtualenv. I can develop with conda and Jupyter, create some script '' (I can download Jupyter notebook as py-file in myfolder).

But my final solution is next: If you do not have it, install Miniconda and from the Windows Start Menu open Anaconda Prompt;

    cd myfolder
    conda create -n exe python=3
    activate exe
    pip install pandas pyinstaller pypiwin32
    echo hiddenimports = ['pandas._libs.tslibs.timedeltas'] > %CONDA_PREFIX%\Lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\hooks\
    pyinstaller -F

Where I create a new environment 'exe', pypiwin32 is needed for pyinstaller but is not installed automaticaly, and is needed to compile with pandas. Also, importing submodules does not help me optimize the size of the executable file. So I do not need this thing:

from pandas import DataFrame as df

but I can just use the usual code:

import pandas as pd

Also, some errors are possible along using the national letters in paths, so it is nice the english user account for development tools.

Here's a way to still be using conda and avoid mkl. Install numpy before installing pandas with this alternate command:
conda install -c conda-forge numpy

Avoids mkl, uses an OpenBLAS package in its place. Full explanation in this issue at conda/conda-forge/numpy-feedstock github repo.

This is probably because the Anaconda version of numpy is built using mkl.

If you want to reduce the size of the distributable, you could work with a seperate building virtual environment with the packages installed through pip instead of conda