pylint false positive E0401 import errors in vscode while using venv

Pylint has some quirks. In this case it doesn't know where to find your module because it's in subdirectory of your venv path. To solve this:

  1. Put this setting in your workspace or folder settings:

    "python.linting.pylintArgs": [
        "import sys; sys.path.append('<path to folder your module is in>')"

    or, maybe better

  2. Generate .pylintrc file. From integrated terminal with venv activated run:

    pylint --generate-rcfile > .pylintrc 

    then open the generated file and uncomment the init-hook= part to be:

    init-hook='import sys; sys.path.append("<path to folder you module is in>")'

    Read the .pylintrc and tweak settings if you wish. In both cases path should point to your 'database' folder.

  3. After learning about pylint settings, do it the right way:

    from database.database_dispatcher import ...

    See this answer by Anthony Sottile.

To me, pylint is correct in flagging this error here

the top level module is database (it contains an file)

Your import should look like (fully absolute)

from database.database_dispatcher import ...

or (explicit relative) (yes! the . before the module name is intentional)

from .database_dispatcher import ...

My follow-up guess is that you're currently invoking your script as python ./database/ ... which is putting ./database at the beginning of sys.path so it would appear that your imports are working correctly -- this is side-stepping your module structure however. You should be invoking your script using python -m database.main ... instead.

Note that implicit relative imports were removed in python 3.x -- though this (imo) wart of script sys.path insertion remains.