PyQt: Adding rows to QTableView using QAbstractTableModel

I've made your table reference a class variable instead of an instance variable, so you could edit the data for the table from virtually anywhere in your code.

# First access the data of the table
self.tv_model =

Secondly, I use the sort of pandas-dataframe-editing type approach. Lets say your data that you want to add is stored in a variable on its own:

# These can be whatever, but for consistency, 
# I used the data in the OP's example

new_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

There are different ways the next step can be approached, depending on whether the data is being added to the table, or updating existing values. Adding the data as a new row would be as follows.

# The headers should also be a class variable, 
# but I left it as the OP had it

header = ['col_0', 'col_1', 'col_2', 'col_3', 'col_4']

# There are multiple ways of establishing what the row reference should be,
# this is just one example how to add a new row

new_row = len(self.tv_model.dataFrame.index)

for i, col in enumerate(header):
    self.tv_model.dataFrame.loc[new_row, col] = new_values[i]

Since self.tv_model is a reference to the actual data of the table, emitting the following signal will update the data, or 'commit' it to the model, so to speak.


When the underlying data of the model changes, the model should emit either layoutChanged or layoutAboutToBeChanged, so that view updates properly (there's also dataChanged, if you want to update a specific range of cells).

So you just need something like this:

    def test(self):
        print 'success'

QAbstractTableModel have two special methods for that ( beginInsertRows() and endInsertRows()).

You can add api-point in your custom model. For example:

    def insertGuest(self, guest):
        self.beginInsertRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), self.rowCount(), self.rowCount())