PySpark timeout trying to repartition/write to parquet (Futures timed out after [300 seconds])?

The weakest point of your code is the following:

LIMIT 5000000

if you take a careful look a the execution plan

: +- *GlobalLimit 5000000
: +- Exchange SinglePartition
: +- *LocalLimit 5000000

you'll see that the implementation uses two-step process, where partial limits are collected to a single partition. Which such larger number (LIMIT is simply not designed with such scenario in mind) you can easily overwhelm corresponding executor.

Additionally LIMIT in your code is redundant, since you follow it by .sample(False, 0.001).

I'd recommend dropping the LIMIT clause, and adjusting fraction accordingly:

result_full = spark.sql("""
        CONCAT(f.outboundlegid, '-', f.inboundlegid, '-', f.agent) AS key,
        countryName, cityName, airportName, AS agentName
    FROM flights f
    INNER JOIN agents a
    ON f.agent =
    INNER JOIN airports p
    ON f.querydestinationplace = p.airportId

desired_size = (5000000 * 0.001)
fraction = desired_size / result_full .count()
assert 1 < fraction < 0  

result_sample = result_full.sample(False, fraction)

Additionally I'd recommend rewriting generate_date_series

from pyspark.sql.functions import lit
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

def generate_date_series(start, stop):
    span = (stop - start).days + 1
    return (SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
               .range(0, span)
               .withColumn("start", lit(start))
               .selectExpr("date_add(start, id) AS querydatetime"))

(generate_date_series(start, seven_days_ago)

Finally I'd strongly recommend replacing getInterval UDF with composition of built-in functions* (unused arguments preserved as-is):

from pyspark.sql.functions import concat, floor
from pyspark.sql.functions import Column

def get_interval(num, start, stop, incr):
    assert isinstance(num, Column)

    lower = floor(num / incr).cast("integer") * incr
    upper = lower + incr
    return concat(lit("("), lower, lit(","), upper, lit(")"))

which could be later used as direct replacement of UDF, though it is unlikely to contribute directly to your current problems.

from pyspark.sql.functions import hour

        get_interval(hour("outdeparture"), 0, 24, 4))

On a side note UDFRegistration.register returns callable object for a couple of releases now, so you might be able to replace

spark.udf.register("getInterval", getInterval, StringType())
getIntervalUdf = udf(getInterval)


getIntervalUdf = spark.udf.register("getInterval", getInterval, StringType())

* You can also consider bucketing using dedicated window function:

Bucketize rows into one or more time windows given a timestamp specifying column. Window starts are inclusive but the window ends are exclusive, e.g. 12:05 will be in the window [12:05,12:10) but not in [12:00,12:05).