Pytest where to store expected data

I had a similar problem once, where I have to test configuration file against an expected file. That's how I fixed it:

  1. Create a folder with the same name of your test module and at the same location. Put all your expected files inside that folder.

  2. Create a fixture responsible for moving the contents of this folder to a temporary file. I did use of tmpdir fixture for this matter.

    from __future__ import unicode_literals
    from distutils import dir_util
    from pytest import fixture
    import os
    def datadir(tmpdir, request):
        Fixture responsible for searching a folder with the same name of test
        module and, if available, moving all contents to a temporary directory so
        tests can use them freely.
        filename = request.module.__file__
        test_dir, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)
        if os.path.isdir(test_dir):
            dir_util.copy_tree(test_dir, bytes(tmpdir))
        return tmpdir

    Important: If you are using Python 3, replace dir_util.copy_tree(test_dir, bytes(tmpdir)) with dir_util.copy_tree(test_dir, str(tmpdir)).

  3. Use your new fixture.

    def test_foo(datadir):
        expected_config_1 = datadir.join('expected_config_1.ini')
        expected_config_2 = datadir.join('expected_config_2.ini')

Remember: datadir is just the same as tmpdir fixture, plus the ability of working with your expected files placed into the a folder with the very name of test module.

I believe pytest-datafiles can be of great help. Unfortunately, it seems not to be maintained much anymore. For the time being, it's working nicely.

Here's a simple example taken from the docs:

import os
import pytest

def test_fast_forward(datafiles):
    path = str(datafiles)  # Convert from py.path object to path (str)
    assert len(os.listdir(path)) == 1
    assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'film1.mp4'))
    #assert some_operation(os.path.join(path, 'film1.mp4')) == expected_result

    # Using py.path syntax
    assert len(datafiles.listdir()) == 1
    assert (datafiles / 'film1.mp4').check(file=1)


