Python 3 vs Python 2 map behavior

itertools.zip_longest does what you want, with a more comprehensible name. :)

I'll answer my own question this time.

With Python 3x, you can use itertools.zip_longest like so:

>>> list(map(lambda *a: a,*zip(*itertools.zip_longest(range(5),range(10,17)))))
[(0, 10), (1, 11), (2, 12), (3, 13), (4, 14), (None, 15), (None, 16)]

You can also roll ur own I suppose:

>>> def oldMapNone(*ells):
...     '''replace for map(None, ....), invalid in 3.0 :-( '''
...     lgst = max([len(e) for e in ells])
...     return list(zip(* [list(e) + [None] * (lgst - len(e)) for e in ells]))
>>> oldMapNone(range(5),range(10,12),range(30,38))
[(0, 10, 30), (1, 11, 31), (2, None, 32), (3, None, 33), (4, None, 34), (None, None, 35), (None, None, 36), (None, None, 37)]