Python and sphinx: bullet point list in multiline google style docstring

You can break the bulleted line as you like. Just line up the continuation with the previous lines text like:

- give a visual representation of that geography
- give a visual representation of the distance matrix
- give a visual representation of a configuration, a configuration being the
  repartition of some or all cities in pools

Solution from @Stephen Rauch was the perfect one. I just wanted to add that it also works for non bulleted lists. I had a similar issue with comments for arguments of functions or methods. For example:

def permute_array(arr, seq):
""" Function to "square permute" a 2D array

This function's purpose is to enable distance matrices permutations. That 
is, for example, permute both lines and columns of the array so as to 
reorder a distance matrix.

    arr (numpy array): the array to permute. It should be square of size n.
    seq (iterable of int): a permutation of range(n) (should be of length n and contain every integer from 0 to n-1)

Last line is way too long.

However, a "same indentation level" line break just breaks the nice sphinx method documentation:

        arr (numpy array): the array to permute. It should be square of size n.
        seq (iterable of int): a permutation of range(n) (should be of length n
        and contain every integer from 0 to n-1)

Badly built documentation

But, breaking the line with an identation just works fine.

        arr (numpy array): the array to permute. It should be square of size n.
        seq (iterable of int): a permutation of range(n) (should be of length n
            and contain every integer from 0 to n-1)

Nicely built documentation